You have got to love Craigslist. I have been wanting a hutch for our dining room, but didn't want to pay full price for something new. In fact, I was hoping for something I could paint myself. Then I saw a post for this lovely maple hutch! The price was right, it was in GREAT condition, the owner offered to deliver it (what? how nice is that!?) and my hubby was totally supportive. Sometimes the stars are just aligned.
It is now in my garage, waiting for me to give it a complete makeover.
I have been looking on Pinterest for inspiration and here are some of my favorites. The colors in our dining room are whites, creams, browns and blues, so I think something like this would be nice. White with blue accents, possibly keep some of the brown. The corner where the hutch will go does not get as much light, so I think white is a good way to brighten up the space. I also plan on taking off the top doors so I can use it as a display area.
Or like this one:
The other very exciting news is that I bought my first power tool! A Ryobi Corner Cat Finish Sander. I know I will be getting a lot of use out of this puppy with this hutch, and hopefully with future painting projects.
I will be sure to post before and after pictures. Let me know if you have any tips or suggestions!
I am so jealous!! I love it. So so nice!
Good find! Can't wait to see the final result, it's going to look amazing! I love your little Vanna White. Cora is just too cute.
Love it, Susie!!! That will look perfect! Can't wait to see the finished product and hear about any other projects you have going on there. :) Since I have a hard time finding anything I love for a price I love around here, I'll just have to live vicariously through you. Have fun!!!
Love, Sara
I love that hutch! I also love Craigslist, when you can get the people to respond it's like Christmas!
What a find! I love all of the little details and I think that it'll look stunning in white.
Eeeeek! It's PERFECT, Susie! I love the little curved legs... I think furniture looks better a bit off the ground.
Instead of taking the door right off, do you have a jigsaw to cut them out? You could maybe even add some chicken wire or something to look like that big sort-of screened pantry you pinned.
I have my own painting project in the works (a crib) so we'll have to compare notes when we're through.
I was joking with Mora that she's been STRIPPING furniture while we're PAINTING it! :)
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