We named her Cora, which means "girl" or "maiden". We also saw the word "heart" as one of the meanings for her name. To us she is, "the little girl who filled our hearts." Cora is also a nice combination of Tim's parents' names: Craig and Mora. (We can't wait for them to meet her! When are you coming????)
Marydith is my grandma's name on my dad's side. Mary is also my mom's name, so Cora's middle name is a tribute to my parents and my grandma. I can't describe what my grandma means to me. Every year, for twenty years, she made the long trip down to Guatemala or Ecuador to visit our family. I also lived with her for several summers during high school and college. Her home was a welcoming and comforting place for me when I was homesick, especially when I first moved back from Ecuador. My grandma has advanced Alzheimer's now and doesn't recognize us, but my mind is still filled with memories of the person she was, her funny sayings, and her warmth.

Doting on her, the boys are delighted with their sister. They often ask to hold her. Toby will stop every once in awhile and pat her head and Asher talks to her in a tender voice. They have both expressed to us many times how much they love her. Our family feels more complete with Cora here. We are so thankful.