Thursday, April 3, 2008

Mama, Dada, Ya...

I think Asher is confused. By now we would expect him to be saying his brother's name, but so far the best we get is, "Ya." He hears us call him Tobiah, Toby, or refer to him as possibly he just can't figure out which name to use? Toby's little friend Katie used to call him "Biah" when she was Asher's age, and we liked it, so we've been trying to encourage that. All this to say,we are excited to hear what he finally decides to call his big brother, who he works so very hard to keep up with and imitate!

Toby, on the other hand, quite often calls Asher, "Ash". He will say, "Look at this, Ash!" and Asher will obligingly reply, "Wow!" They are a fun pair. Soon we will be making the big step to putting them in the same room, so we'll keep you updated on that...

If you watched the video, Toby wasn't too hurt there at the end. :)

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